4 reasons you should try cannabis concentrates

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Cannabis concentrates have become an increasingly popular consumption method within the culture of well-seasoned tokers. However, since their potency and unfamiliarity can be intimidating for first-timers, many people fail to reap the wide-spread benefits of these clean, smooth extracts. Since the word concentrates is simply an umbrella term that refers to varying products such as […]

What are the environmental benefits of hemp?

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As an avid marijuana enthusiast, you likely take pride in your knowledge about cannabis strains when you buy weed online, however, how in-depth is your understanding when it comes to the process of hemp production and the environmental benefits it can offer? In fact, while hemp is taken from the same glorious plant, Cannabis Sativa, […]

How do you freshen up your home from the smell and mess of cannabis?

How do you freshen up your home from the smell and mess of cannabis?

When you buy weed online it’s understandable that when your package arrives that you’re eager to smoke it. That being said, while you may be unaware of the lingering remnants of your daily smoke session — the distinguishable odor and even leftover kief on the counter from rolling a joint — as a responsible user, […]

Gift ideas if you have a stoner mom

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Are you a last-minute gift-giver? Do you struggle to think of something mindful and purposeful? Well, you’re in luck because we have an idea that’s both thoughtful and practical when it comes to celebrating your mom this May 12. After all, a cannabis-inspired endowment is incredibly thrilling if you have a stoner mom and there […]

What are the best ways to celebrate 4/20?

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Are you looking for a crafty way to elevate your 4/20 experience? Well, other than simply getting high with some friends, there are numerous other ways that you can make this unofficial stoner holiday a memorable one. So, regardless of whether you’re planning to attend a community pot protest, discover what your green thumb can […]